The ACSS organized two training workshops in Morocco on 'Social Science Research Data Management'. These workshops aim to highlight the importance of publishing data sets to increase research impact and enable data re-use within the principles of open science.
The first was held on October 3 in Ifrane in partnership with Mohammed VI Library and School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane and DataCite.
The second was held on October 5 in Rabat in partnership with Rabat Social Science Institute (RSSI) and DataCite. The trainings introduced the participants to the FAIR principles, the importance of persistent identifiers (PIDs) principles and best practices of research data management and data management plans.
The workshop participants included librarians, archivists, and social science and humanities researchers, doctoral students and faculty from nine universities and archives in the Rabat and Ifrane area.
These workshops are part of a series of training workshops the ACSS has held on this topic since 2018.