

Call for Papers: ACRPS Conference for Graduate Students in Western Universities


The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is holding its third round of the Arab Graduate Students in Western Universities Conference (AGSC), in Doha, Qatar, from 26-28 March 2022. The registration for the conference is open to Arab PhD students and recent PhD graduates in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Western universities.

The AGSC has established an unprecedented academic tradition in the Arab region since 2018, by providing young Arab researchers a platform to present papers rooted in their graduate studies, through which they will have the chance to benefit from discussions with their peers and with established Arab academics.

Bringing together Arab academics based in Western institutions with their counterparts in the Arab region will give the participants an opportunity to better acquaint themselves with an Arab research agenda as well as to create collegial, professional networks within the Arab region. Participants will also gain the opportunity to have their work published in Arabic, through one of the ACRPS’ publication channels, allowing them to impact and contribute to the Arab academic discourse and Arab societies.

Registration is free for participants. The ACRPS will provide room and board in Doha, Qatar, for all participants throughout the duration of the conference. Grants assisting in the cost of travel from the participant’s country of residence to Qatar will be awarded on a competitive basis.

For more information and how to apply:




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