

5th Annual International Conference of the Gulf Studies Centre


5th Annual International Conference of the Gulf Studies Centre: "Social Change in the Gulf Societies in the 21st Century”, Qatar University, 11–12 November 2020

This conference aims to explore the role of economic transformation, education, social media, migration, and urbanization in the social changes in the Gulf societies, with a focus on their directions, magnitudes, and relevant policy options.

Information: http://www.qu.edu.qa/research/gulfstudies-center/events/Social-Change-in-the-Gulf-Societies-in-the-21st-Century

ترك تعليق

إذا كنتم ترغبون في الانتساب إلى المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعية، يمكنكم مراجعة صفحة العضوية للاطلاع على أنواع العضوية وكيفية تقديم طلب الانتساب.